Monthly Archives: March 2008
10 Edit In-Place Ajax Scripts
In an Era of Ajax and an increase use of Edit in place, I decided to put together a list of edit in place scripts. I hope this list will help you in your quest to make your web application or website more user friendly. This list is in no particular order. tEditable – In place editing for tables using the jQuery Framework. It works by allowing you to that edit cells in a table… Read more »
Run your Web Application on your Desktop
Have you ever wanted to test your web application, but not on the internet. Then Prisim is your answer. Prism is an application that lets users split web applications out of their browser and run them directly on their desktop. With Prism you can even run your favorite web apps on your desktop. Prism is created by Mozilla Labs. Also with Prism you do not need to change your web application, you just need to… Read more »
Front End Flash Framework
Gaia is a front-end Flash Framework designed to dramatically reduce development time. Gaia is targeted at anyone who develops Flash sites. It provides solutions to front-end Flash site development, such as navigation, transitions, preloading, asset management, site structure and deep linking. Gaia is fully integrated with the popular SWFObject and SWFAddress 2 javascript classes built right in for maximum compatibility right out of the gate. It also includes the popular TweenLite class. I’ve been looking… Read more »