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Hey Everyone, On Sunday I was contacted by a client and they said the needed a shopping cart up by Monday. Since they needed this cart up so fast I went to the easiest solution I knew, Open Source Shopping Carts. I browsed through tons of shopping carts and put together a list of only the best carts.  The list is below.

  • is robust, professional grade e-Commerce shopping cart that you can download, install, and use for free. In the back end, you will use a full featured back end to manage your inventory, orders, shipping, and customers in real time. Your customer’s payments are sent directly to your commercial bank account using the latest security technology. You can even add your own modules to the shopping cart.
  • is an open source PHP based online shopping cart system. OpenCart is easy to use and is SEO optimized with a very nice interface. A great feature of OpenCart is that customers can write their own reviews of the products.
  • is a professional open-source e-Commerce solution offering unprecedented flexibility and control. Magento is awesome, I would never believe it is an open-source project. It features clean urls and SEO from the start. Everything is designed in a clean and simple way. Magento also features: Unlimited flexibility, Completely Scalable Architecture, Professional and Community Support, and Smooth Integration with 3rd party apps.
  • is very popular shopping cart. CubeCart V3 is free, with the exception that you leave their copyright notice in your footer. CubeCart has a large amount of payment gateways and shipping gateways. Their support forums are lively and many people contribute plugins to the cart. To use CubeCart V4 you must pay but it has many features that V3 doesn’t have.
  • is another very popular online shopping cart, written in Perl/MySQL. It features a css manager so you can edit the look of your cart online. AgoraCart also features unlimited product options, up to 4 different tax zones at the same time, tons of shipping and payment gateways/options. The setup options range from a simple template based store to the integration of a complex visual design and support for program modification.
  • is a free, user friendly, open source shopping cart. Zen Cart focuses on the merchants and shoppers instead of the developers. Zen Cart also supports multiple payment and shipping options, quantity discounts and coupons. Also Zen Cart is very easy to install.
  • is an online shopping cart that offers a wide range of features that allows online stores to be setup fairly quickly. osCommerce is backed by a great and active community. It also supports multiple currencies, allows customers to print invoices from the order screen, and has an easy database backup system.
  • is a powerful, free PHP/MySQL shopping cart system that is easy to install and customize.  The Cart is free but it does have copyright notices that you can pay to get rid of.  StoreSprite has many features including automatic tax calculation, automatic delivery cost calculations, customer ratings and reviews and featured products.

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1,246 thoughts on “8 Best Open Source Shopping Carts

  1. Pingback: Deja Cart » 8 Best Open Source Shopping Carts

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  3. Pingback: 8 Best Open Source Shopping Carts | WebTecker the latest Web Tech, Resources and News. | Inside Brandon Corbin's Head

  4. I came across ZenCart awhile back while still hosting with dreamhost (they have it as one of their one-click installs). Eventually I used it for my first eCommerce project because it was open source, and dreamhost recommended it.

    It was tricky to get into at first, but they have a great walk-through book available via a link at their site, and the forum community is one of the best I’ve been part of. It seems as though every question I asked was answered immediately, and by one of the cart developers.

    I’d def recommend it, but be prepared to get your hands dirty (but this is nothing new for any project)

  5. I’ve been looking around for a good shopping cart with a feature that I need: people can buy credits, and then a plugin that I write can deduct credits as a virtual product is used, ie pay per e-card sent :). Not having much luck on their feature pages though. Does anyone know if this can be done with an existing cart program?

  6. Weeeeell … osCommerce might be popular, but just because it’s an all-around solution, but not because it’s well coded or thought out. It’s a horrible chunk of spaghetti code that still gets my pulse raging everytime I have to dig into its guts … X-(

    cu, w0lf.

  7. Pingback: » Open source shopping cart functionality

  8. Its great to hear from everyone. The shopping cart I chose was Magento because of the code it outputs and its has so many great features. I look forward to hearing what others have to say about these shopping carts.

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  10. I’m working on an ecommerce project using Ubercart (, which is a full-featured shopping cart module for the Drupal content management system. The fact that it’s built on top of Drupal makes it extremely flexible. So far, Ubercart has been a breeze to get set up and has one of the nicest user interfaces I’ve seen among the open source ecommerce platforms.

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  13. Having had experience with both osCommerce (on the list) and Ubercart (not on the list), I’d swap out osCommerce for Ubercart.

  14. Pingback: Scott Brenner » Blog Archive » links for 2008-04-25

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  17. I have to agree with Matt V. Ubercart + Drupal is a winning combo, especially if you ever want to customise things (including areas outside of the cart).

  18. @Tony Cheetham:

    Yeah, everyone should make their own shopping carts when there are free ones out there which do exactly what people need. In fact, no one should use prebuilt libraries.

    Why doesn’t everyone write their own programming languages, for Christ’s sake?! I mean what the hell? It’s just a programming language!

    In conclusion, Tony Cheetham, shut the fuck up.

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  20. Pingback: List Of Open Source Shopping Carts » Authority Sites Directory Blog

  21. Nice review of open source carts. I think the best one isn’t even listed. Apache’s Open For Business is by far the most solid and mature open source cart out there. But, with enterprise capabilities, it might be a bit overkill for most small cart projects.

    I’ve been working with Magento for the last 4 months, and it spanks any other PHP cart I’ve ever worked with.

  22. I really love hearing from everyone!!! I must say that even though OSCommerce might be very, lets say old fashion. It’s on this list because its been used by over 13,000 registered websites and yes I agree with you that it is not the perfect solution. But it has been used to provide a free E-Commerce solution.
    On a side note Magento is one of the best solutions I’ve found.

  23. Pingback: Marc Ashwell » Blog Archive » links for 2008-04-29

  24. Thanks for the list – has a couple I hadn’t come across.

    I’d like to add my ‘osCommerce sucks’ comment to the ones you’ve got already: it’s a steaming pile of smelly stuff that was clearly coded by 3-month-old baboons with Attention Deficit Disorder.

    This comment inevitably also applies to any cart solution that’s built on osCommerce.

  25. Hi Crusty,

    Magento can be installed on any Cpanel as long as it has a few packages installed:
    php5-mcrypt php5-mhash php5-curl php-pear re2c php5-mysql libio-pty-perl libnet-ssleay-perl libmd5-perl php5-gd

    These are all stable packages and if you have a nice host they should install it for you.

    Keep well.

  26. Pingback: Great Resources Elsewhere: April 25 to May 02 - CSSnewbie

  27. hi,
    Curently I m useing Agora shopping cart, there is only one option for customer. but i want give spical rebate to my wholesaler resaler. mean i wnat to make 3 area 1. customers 2. resalers and 3 wholesaler so please sugest me…which shopping cart i use…

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  31. Pingback: Things I found around the web May 22nd :

  32. Check this package out…

    Includes it all to get everything working’
    Joomla and Virtuemart prebundled. No seperate install required.
    i.e. you know it will work once deployed on your server. (their link doesn’t work, use this instead (without extra code trailing)).

    VirtueMart is not a stand-alone script, but a Plug-in and requires the PHP Content Management System Joomla! (or Mambo).

    The easiest way is to install the Joomla! eCommerce Edition: a ready-steady-go bundle of Joomla! & a pre-installed VirtueMart.

    I’ve tried other e-commerce solutions like OSCommerce, Zen Cart and XT commerce but am less than impressed.
    Customization of Virtuemart php code is straight forward. (you still need hands on knowledge of basic PHP Functions.)
    It’s Flexible. It’s not a bridged component, but a native true Joomla component.

    Good bloody luck out there guys!

  33. Thanks for the list. I haven’t even heard of some of these; will have to check them out. I don’t think Zen Cart should be on here, though. It’s bloated, slow, and uses way too many sql queries.

  34. Hello,

    Thanks for the list. I am looking for a shopping cart to use it on my web site, and I think I will use Magento after reading all the comments.


  35. OScommence is a nightmare with no portability. If you want an out of box solution and all you plan on doing is changing CSS and the logo, OSCommence is for you.

    If you wish to create a complex re-design ( look of the site ) and only use it as a shopping cart engine, think again. The simplest change needed, will yield you hours of modifications to the code, for most with minor knowledge, prepare to pay for lots of hours to your favorite coder.


    Nice list, 3 i never heard of, what a great idea.

  36. For all people interested in zen-cart that are scared off by the template/code nightmare, there is an alternative storefront with a much simpler structure and and a growing number of plugins: ZenMagick! (http:/

    I agree the admin side is not much to look at (or too much!), but it’s getting better.

    ZenMagick also includes an object oriented API to access virtually all storefront data which allows integrating products, cart, etc in other applications.

    Check out the demo site ( for some sample Ajax features like drag & drop (from the product list)

    Best of all, no more SQL in templates!! and no manual patching required.


  37. Most of these carts aren’t easy to customize and the fact that you only have a cart and nothing else is the big reason why i choose virtuemart. with virtuemart you get get everything else why? cause its a plugin for joomla. joomla has all the plugins you need from community builder to forums to blogging to gallery stuffs to newsletters and they are combine in to one system. not like standalone carts that you will still have to integrate your cart with your forum and your blog. now thats nasty. i see this in a perspective of a developer who has had customers tending to want stuffs that aren’t with in the bounds of the cart that they wanted.

  38. @dsf: I suppose you refer to the ‘pretty link’ format, a la:

    I realize those are not proper SEO urls – that is why the plugin to generate them is named ‘pretty links’. This is actually a pet project of myself as I like this form.

    If you want SEO with ZenMagick, you can use either zen-cart’s SEO2 or SEO3 mods you can do so via ZenMagick plugins.

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  40. I was checking out this site to look for an alternative to Zen Cart and osCommerce and found out that they both made the top 8 list? I advise anyone reading not to use them or use them at your own risk. I have had so many un-happy clients with using them. The only positive I found was that it was very easy to set-up and get going, after that it was all down hill.

    I think I might try Magento or Ubercart+Drupal. So far I’ve heard a lot of good things about Magento, looks like they are my top pick. Thanks everyone!

  41. Thanks for this list – I haven’t seen most of them (surprisingly difficult to google with all of the other c**p that comes up.

    must add my comments about OSC also

    this software is a NIGHTMARE. Customising anything is a 5 min job that takes a day. AAAAGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I set this up for a client and lost a week of my life. I will NEVER EVER EVER EVER use it again. Please take it off your list.

  42. For all that are interested in picking zen-cart, but are worried about the templating mess, have a look at ZenMagick (

    ZenMagick is a replacement for the zen-cart storefront code. It’s MVC based and includes an almost complete object-oriented API to query/update the database. No more SQL in templates and no more include/require orgies!

    Best of all, ZenMagick comes with a comprehensible plugin API that allows to extend without the need to modify core files.

    Code sample:

    $product = ZMProducts::instance()->getProductForId(3);
    echo $product->getName();


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  44. Some comments why I am not recommending magentocommerce just yet for most of my customers: it’s deadly slow and the template system is a headache – it’s indeed easy to learn the basics of it but most of the tags aren’t documented at all (I am guessing that it’s their strategy for offering expensive services)

    I am still striving to get the best out of magento but please be aware when diving into it – you may regret it.

    on the other hand some of the open source ones, this includes oscommerce are lighting fast and if you install a template system like STS it’s very easy to customize the design. And let’s face it – if you need any additional feature for your oscommerce website you might find it in the contribution section or a decent programmer can easily code it for you.

    Please also consider payed shopping carts too – give it a look to cs-cart or xcart

  45. I have to agree with Radu about Magento. It is extremely difficult to use and customize. Unless you are good at back-engineering code and have lots of time, you’ll probably enjoy it. The documentation is sparse and incomplete. Trying to do simple things can take hours. Once there is complete documentation, some good tutorials and a GOOD book (not the one by php|architect, it SUCKS!), this would probably be an excellent full featured solution. But until then you’ll be banging your head against the wall for days. It simply not worth the stress or headache.

  46. Hi there,

    Anyone can briefly compare Magento vs. aspdotnetstorefront? I am not talking about PHP vs ASP.NET or free s/w vs. $1500, but from the end-user point of view. Which offers better features, user-experience etc.? Any comments about integration with ERP like SAP B1 will also be appreciated.


  47. Which is best?
    Which is worst?
    From what you’ve written they all sound perfect, which is not correct, and not at all helpful.

    Would be nice if you could put more objective, comparative reviews for all of them. It’s more helpful for people to know what’s NOT good about things.

    For example, its fairly ‘across the board’ knowledge that OSCommerce sucks. As do a number of the carts you mentioned.

    This post is great as some links to some shopping carts, but no use in terms of helpful reviews.

  48. ZenCart is based on OsCommerce, and for all those Oscommerce bad reviews – you guys are lamers, OsCommerce is the best open source shopping cart, You should also Checkout CRELOADED.. google it (it’s also based on oscommerce)

    ~ Ilan

  49. Pingback: Marco Forconi » Software Ecommerce Gratuito

  50. Hi guys,

    I am looking for a decent eCommerce solution to work alongside Protx (VSP Form) – which one of those mentioned above would people recommend for this.

  51. Thanks for the list, Brett. It’s a good place to start. I agree with Gavin. A comparative study of these plus some of the others suggested, eg ubercart, virtuemart module, would be really useful. My only experience is playing round with ZenCart, which while simple to set up is a bit daunting when you’ve got very little time (and no money) to spend on it and need something to set up and go.

  52. We just starting using storesprite, it is by far IMO the easiest to customise as they separated out the html from the php with template and tags.

    I’ll pop back when we roll out our first store. is an example store and the person who did that claimed to turn it out very quickly and effortlessly.

    Also the control panel is very clean, very easy to follow unlike some of the others in this list.


  53. I currently use oscommerce and I’ll admit is has its limitations. The main reason why I continue using it is because it is easily customized. For example a customer wanted a module in their admin that would allow club information inputted and have that information be a required field during checkout to prevent non-store owners to order from the site. That customization took me less than 2 hours to do. I’ve been looking at Magento and the features it offers are great. My only concern is how difficult would it be to do the same customization I mentioned above with Magento? Anyone know?

  54. Same on you guys!
    Any open source cart is worth for what it takes, people work hard days and are sharing it with others.
    is that your way of saying thank you???.
    with any choice you make, you will end up having modifications(by you or pay someone).
    those cart are not copy/paste html, you will need to have some knowledge of html,php and mysql, if not just don’t use it!
    osCommerce is the feather of all open source cart.
    it is simple, fast and sure dose what it say!
    there are more then 4000 modules for osCommerce, just get what you need.
    crloaded is like the name say loaded with lots of stuff that you wont even need/use.
    trust me, you start low, stay with osCommerce, and add only modules that are really in need.
    leave all the other to your products, any module you add will slow down your cart.

  55. Hi

    Did you know that you can have a free copy(no limitations) of Avactis shopping Cart if you are a web Désigner, Web Dev etc?

    I had a copy for free and it works very well!

    Veyr nice back office.

    I installed a copy on a client website.( )
    What I like about Avactis is the “Tag” system” and “blocks”(small php templates) that allow you to integrate shopping cart fonctinality in an existing web site. So you may fit cart into the design of a web site.( like cartweaver) Of course it can be used as a stand alone also.

    Now I am looking for shopping cart with multi-language option (french)

    I tried LiveCart a little, I like it but not too shure how to customize and modify the design…hum…not much help about it too.

    So I guess I will continue trying other carts out there.

  56. I’ve used a number of these in the past, and really found zencart to be the most flexible, the most amount of plugins, and I’ve only had one glich (there should be a warning…are you SURE you want to delete this?) in the service since installing about a year ago. Two thumbs up for ZenCart.

  57. Hi everyone!

    Just installed Prestashop localy and for once, the experience was “exciting and pleasant”!! I mean it’s the first time installing a php script goes so well and smooth till the end. After creating the database it took me only 2 minutes to go trough install.

    I have tried the demo on their website and I was impressed by the ease of use and all the features already available.

    Now I’ll dive deeper into it and start customizing and configure the front store.

    I’ll keep you informed about my progress and give you my experience on how easy – or not – it is to work with.

  58. Check out xSellit Storefronts at The company who developed this system have been software/web developers for over 17 years. Their monthly fees are lower than most hosted packages out there and you own the store! It is an all-in-one complete storefront – all inclusive –
    with NO hidden monthly fees. They give you everything you need to sell online and are truly seo friendly.

  59. DO NOT USE ZENCART! It requires all your buyers to login and there is no option to disable it. Also the admin interface is terribly terribly complicated and frankly excessive. It is definitely not the simple solution.

  60. @no ZenCart: It’s true, zen-cart itself does require registration. However, there are a number of mods available to get around that.
    ZenMagick (a zen-cart storefront replacement), for example, has build in support for guest checkout. All that is required is an email address plus whatever address information is needed to ship/bill the goods.


  61. Pingback: What Shopping Cart Could You Recommend?

  62. Please, a open source shopping cart you can use like bizrate, shopzilla, shopping. I mean, in any of them, the ‘add to cart’ button instead of go to the cart, it has to link to a website.

  63. @mohamed: Maybe, but most large PHP projects are moving towards PHP5 (see for more details).
    Personally, I find this about time too. I’ve started using PHP5 features in ZenMagick and have never looked back.


    BTW: zen-cart is also on the list of projects moving to PHP5

  64. The products i sell are customizable. for example custom printed t-shirts.

    what is the best cart to handle attributes where the customer can enter specific information.

    for osCommerce there was an option type feature addon but im through with osCommerce now as far too time consuming.

  65. Pingback: New Website For My Wifey "Christmas Gift" - Open Source - TechEnclave

  66. Anyone try CrownCart shopping cart as of yet? I am thinking about trying them out. They are also offering a free custom website design which sounds like a good deal.

  67. Hi!! i live in a southamerican country ecommerce is growing day by day…. im thinking on putting a store like bestbuy some thing like that i will have a lot of products, can some one please tell me what is the best script for a big store with a lot of option and we want to give our web site our design….

  68. I think that OsCommerce is one of the best open source shopping carts available on the net. It also has a forum where one can post any problems that they might have also. I use it quite often.

  69. I find OpenCart the easiest to template up and mod. The cart functionality is pretty simple but it does all the basics well. I have built sites with Magento which offers more functionality but is a bitch to amend and be creative with.

    I built with Opencart and with Magento. The end result is pretty similar with both but the OpenCart site took about a third less time build.

  70. I am looking to replace my site with a better shopping cart. I tried oscommerce but fid it very difficult to configure. For example I frown on hard sales approach and adamant on privacy. It was difficult to remove the suggestion (I never push items) or what others buy (protect customer’s privacy) columns or could not allow purchase without accounts.

  71. Zen Cart together with ZenMagick allow guest checkout.

    The next version of ZenMagick will also easily allow to customize the storefront in a way that no initial address is required to register. This might be useful in cases where the store is also used as master user repository for other 4rd party apps like forum, blog, etc.

  72. I have just started working for a company that uses ZenCart, and IMO it really does suck!!! We are however using an older version. The database has so many redundancies it is unbelievable. The layout from a developers point of view is all over the place. Just my two cents.

  73. @Peuge:
    Agreed! There is a table related to attributes that I still do not understand 🙂
    The database API in ZenMagick tries to hide a lot of that and makes the data available in a more structured way (I think).

  74. Hmm, I setup a zencart site and it seemed easy to start with.
    Then I tried to change templates and such and add paypal and google checkout. Paypal went in nice but google checkout is a pain to install. I enter 1800 products for sale. What a task.
    I fought with pictures and other small things that should work but do not work and spent tons of time online trying to find a way around them.

    I gave up.
    I loaded magento.. took a few trys… 10 to be exact.
    magento is partly easy to use and partly very difficult.

    by the way google went in easy.. Paypal is a pain.. one cannot win.

    I think the site looks good but it cost me tons of time and I did have to pay a programmer to do a few things.

    One of the Problems with magento is finding out how to do something. Tons if Blogs and Tons of info.. But not a lot of answers.


    I built the site to sell stuff.. I have about 20,000 item that I want to get up for sale.

    I cannot believe how hard it is to do that.. Uploads might work sometimes and sometimes not. It takes a long time to enter a product on line with there interface.

    Excuse me… We are here to sell products. Right.

    That should be one of the most important features of a cart program I think.

    So we are all stuck with people selling ecommerce programs that might work.. should work… and not have to mess around with templates and the rest of the stuff..

    I am in business to sell stuff and that is what I do.

    This whole thing should be EASY!

    By the way I have sold stuff on line for about 15 years…
    Had a BBS before the http://WWW... Not like I do not know what I am doing.

    Finding a cart that works the way you want it to work should be what we are all looking for.

  75. Does anyone have any experience making a shopping cart compliant with SAP and their Catalog integration punch out? It requires a post from their system to do a generic login, and a hook_url to get information back from the system for checkout.



  76. So far I have used oscommerce, cubecart and magento all on production websites. And I really feel they all have their strengths and weakness’s.

    cubecart4 – my client purchased this and had me implement it, he also bought a template so I didnt have to do any of the design. My original only task was to get the thing up and running. It was simple to install, quick, light weight, and easy to modify. However alot of random stuff didn’t work they way it should of, some browsers add to cart didnt work, if u a product has options like color or size and click add to cart without selecting an option nothing happens. and so on. Also my client sold shirts and shoes, so he would have a pair of nikes that came in multiple colors and multiple sizes all for the same product. Out of the box cube cart does not support multiple inventory levels for one product. ie I have 10 pairs of a size 10 in black on 2 pairs of size 8 in white. I had to build that out myself (it suked). also the image managing is horrible and so is a lot of the admin section. I would only recommend this if u are a small e-commerce looking to sell less the 250 products. I personally would never use it again, nor recommend it especially since it cost money for the latest version.

    oscommerce – It works! and its dead simple, code is getting a little unorganized, and its lacking some key features but u can easily find any mod/template for it since its been around so long. Problem is once u start adding all these mods/contributions to it random stuff starts breaking. but its free simple quick and reliable.

    MAGENTO!!! – out of the box this one has it all!!! Highly recommend for larger more serious e-commerce sites. it is much harder to use and the admin can be a little slugish. but I installed it for a client who does about 7 million in sales a year, and has about 10,000 different skus and it works amazing. But it is definitely harder! only recommend if you are a larger site with the need for more advance catalog system.

    Hope this helps anyone

  77. If you are looking for a full ERP system with e-commerce, order processing/fulfillment and integrations with most the major payment processors I would recommend the Apache Open For Business Project (OFBiz). Being one of the creators, I am quite biased, but I do believe it is one of the most powerful open source solutions available. Check it out at

  78. Dear all, thinking that the articles is brilliant… However, I am completely clueless when it comes to installing the fabulous MAGENTO Programm on my pc; can someone recommend an easy step by step guide?

    Many Thanks


  79. I am currently using Oscommerce for my store. It came with my template and the code is hacked and makes installing some of the contributions a bit challenging. However, maintaining products and such is fairly easy. Just be prepared to modify php files. I do like the oscommerce support system and community. I have had no problem finding information for modifications.

    I am also working with zen cart, which has a similar feel to oscommerce. I am not using a template for my testing. So far, I have no major complaints except for figuring out how to set up the ability to download virtual products. Zen Cart, like oscommerce has a fairly good support community as well.

    So, after reading the positive reviews of Magento I thought I would give it a try. It is much slower and is very difficult to manage categories and products. The demo store looks nice but, I have not been able to get a product listed on it yet. I am almost ready to give up on this one.

    Nice list of sites. It is good to try out several and see which one(s) will work for you.

  80. Zencart is sucks and OSCommerce sucks too , But I have not trying this new Open Carts 4 me but Thank you webtecker that useful 😉

  81. I think Open Cart is ace! I use all other carts and found opencart is the best. Opencart code is clean, powerful and easy to handle. BTW, the new version is excellent! highy recommend to all developer and shop owner!

  82. Great list of useful resources. I bet many people will find this interesting while choosing suitable shopping cart for their store.

    In case you’re not satisfied with e-commerce solution you currently have you can always switch to smth different. You can try shopping cart migration service cart2cart. It automates migration fm shopping cart to shopping cart

  83. hi
    good list of open source shopping cart scripts,
    but unfortunately you all forgot about
    joomla and virtuemart combinition,
    its excelent ecommerce package,
    joomla is one of the most stable and popular open source cms and virtuemart is one of the most used ecommerce component


  84. Thanks for all those nice list of shopping carts. I was searching for shopping cart softwares and i found your website. Really nice information man!

  85. Hello,
    Could anyone recommend me an affordabl e-commerce?
    I don’t mind paying $30-$50 / months.
    I’m looking for a reliable e-commerce that my graphic designer can customized easily (unlike shopsite that has the ugliest templates in the world). My dreamt e-commerce has a customer support, is easy to use for an unexperienced woman, not too pricey (Not Nexternal), and that won’t take a fee of each piece I sell (unlike Shopify).
    I run a jewelry business so I would probably start w/ 20 products. I used Shopsite for a minute but the templates were close to uncustomizable and they suck !
    Please help me to find this!

  86. Yeah, we gave Magento two chances. Sucked every time! Waaaay to slow of a script to run on any given platform, it bogged down hugely and is way too complicated to customize and I’ve been doing this for 10+ years. One last note, their support is filled with a bunch of cocky assholes.

  87. I would like to say that OpenCart is definitely the greatest shopping cart available out there. I’ve benn through some others and spent a lot of time and none of the others worked at the end.

  88. I try chromium cart and opencart, I will say opencart is much better and more powerful! Being user friendly and with easy to learn adjustments to templates and features, plus the sleek design and interface, it is all what i need! Everybody should try!

  89. Pingback: 8 Open Source Shopping Carts, Free Ecommerce Shopping Cart Software, Online PHP Shopping Cart

  90. Just built 3 ecommerce sites for clients using opencart (now forked into chromium cart).

    ++Great code,

    ++Great looking,

    ++Very easy for customer,

    ++Lots of addons/modules,

    ++Reasonable size community.

    I would definitely, definitely reccommend it.

  91. This is a warning to users thinking about PHP open cart be very careful the primary developer is very unhelpful. I believe this to be since he’s trying to get you to fork over for upgrade/downgrade services. (An often not very easy nor well documented process.) Just scan the forums and see what I mean. Upgrading the thing usually means you have to fork out cash for the upgrade process or an alternative is having to redo the entire site over which is an absolute pain.

  92. I have to add my vote against osCommerce. It truly is a steaming pile of poo. It’s inclusion on a list of “best” Shopping Carts merely because it is popular is a terrible disservice to your readers.

    If you want to make a list of the most popular Shopping Cart suites, it belongs on that list. It does not belong on this list.

  93. This page is really nice resource for newbies to get the knowledge on Open Source Shopping Cart.

    Few months back I was in search of affordable or open source shopping cart solution and one of my friend refer me to as he is running their solution from more than a year, Initially I think their packages are costly but when I make calculations based on hosted solutions (like yahoo stores, shopify, 1shoppingcart, volusion) they charge about $25-$500 per month with transaction fee 1.5%-3% with each order, when I calculated 1 year cost according to my products its way high (almost 10x) what I get from FMEOS.COM for one time fee.

    As I don’t know coding so I decided to contact FMEOS and tell them what I am looking for my e-commerce website, depending my customize requirements they quote me a package based on open source (Magento), I accepted their quote and within 2 months my site goes live. My experience with their support was excellent, specially Sh. Ehtisham from Customer Services help me a lot to define my project in a better way.

    From my personal experience I highly recommend FMEOS.COM for e-commerce website development, they have a professional staff for shopping cart development.
    here is link for their e-commerce solutions

    I hope you too have a good experience.


  94. Has anyone found any shopping carts which have Korean language packs?

    Magento is overkill for the project, and as many people have noted, OSCommerce is… shall we say.. less than optimal – so any OSC or OSC-based solution is out.

    Ideally I would like to use opencart or prestashop, but I don’t think they have the language packs.


  95. Pingback: Any list of the best ecommerce software for selling TShirts - T-Shirt Forums

  96. Tried some of these for the purpose of an online boutique.

    Magento – Lots of hype, easy to learn, not so easy to install, can be tricky installing on third party servers.

    OsCommerce – non-Phd coders need not apply.

    Zen Cart – designed for Zen code masters.

    Prestacart – perfect.

  97. Do yourself a major favor: It really is FREE and is awesome. Create a MySQL data space on your web server. The, install the software on that space you created using your FTP upload program. Bam! Do some fine tuning but it will work and soooo worth it.

    I struggled for hours and hours with other crappy programs, expensive carts and this is the one that rocks! Wanna try it out and see what it looks like? Easy-schmeazy…go to their web site and take a peek. Click demo. See the back door (Administration) controls as well as the front door (Store front) and you’ll love it. Easy, point, click. Done!

  98. I really depend on your needs, free sometimes will help you at times you will need to pay, all of them are good but will it work for you? Million Dollar Question.
    I personally recommend Xcart about $115, Cs Cart $265.
    Get a programmer to customized this two cards
    Add CRM to it with bonus add synchronization with QuickBooks
    You will win big time

    But remember it has to be simple and stupid some times
    Too much complication will overwhelm you

  99. Thanks for the list. I dare to say that the comments were actually more helpful than the post. I would have love to see pro and cons next to your recommendation.

    So I went through all the comments and the most recommended, positive solutions were: OpenCart, Magento and PrestaShop.

    I’m going to try PrestaShop and if the customization doesn’t work out I’ll try OpenCart. Since the reviews about Magento were good, but the backend seems to slow, I’ll face that the last.

    Thanks everyone for writing very useful comments.

  100. Have tried most of these out, and have always stuck to osCommerce, mainly because it is easy to add and change the code for very specific needs.

    From a usability perspective, I think Prestashop is the most professional looking and performing of them all.

    My advice as far as Magento is concerned is stay well away!! The reason is that the designers have over complicated the database and the code, and as a result, runs VERY slowly (even on my dedicated server).

    Might look good, but potential customers will hate the waiting around, and will probably leave before they get to far in to your site.

  101. Having used ZenCart for an ecommerce build, I can say that is is very good, but the code would make Chef Boy-ar-dee proud. You do have to know PHP/HTML/CSS and be prepared to dig around in it if you want to get the most benefit from it.

  102. WOW great sources with excellent comments, however all these solutions are php/mysql based (correct me if wrong) and with standard functions.
    We were in need of an ASP.Net solution (as our website based on asp) so we search a lot for free/paid solutions but nothing come to fulfill our requirements (we need to create products’ codes values on runtime quote calculations),
    Answer was custom e-commerce solution and we contacted FMEOS (as some of their clients already mentioned above). They developed a solution with runtime item code generation and prices by combining Width and Heights. Initially we thought it is impossible but when they do it. We hats off to them and give them extra bonus; I’d never seen solution like this before. So we strongly recommend them for Custom e-Commerce Solutions (you can check their custom e-commerce features at ).

    Rachel McKenzie
    ST Shutters Co.

  103. have tried them all, dug rewired and butchered them all.

    Cold fact is that if you are planning to run a serious online business with the growth potential, none of the open source shopping carts will be able to scale and flex over to accommodate. they are ALL buggy with security issues that you have to watch closely for patches updates so you don’t get screwed over by some security issue etc.

    my recommendation for an incredibly powerful and flexible piece of software that you can own would be interspire shopping cart.

    If you prefer managed solution including hosting Volution shopping cart is your friend.


    have you seen a Family guy episode where Stewie creates his clone? yeah, that clone=magento

    tats it.

  104. Prestashop has serious email issues.
    Many people are lost because there
    is no help available. At least
    competent help. So we had no choice
    other than look for another software.
    Hopefully they can admit the problem
    and come up with a solution.

  105. The upcoming version of ZenMagick ( will be available as either a zen cart mod or as full installer. That means effectively ZenMagick will become a fork of zen cart.
    * based on a patched PHP5.3 ready version of zen cart 1.3.8a
    * simpler templates
    * growing community and support from zen cart developers
    * real plugins
    * rule based form validation that allows to change validation without changing core files
    * the storefront code offers most of the features announced for zen cart 2.0 – today!

  106. I have 2 years experience of PHP developing and about 2 weeks ago i started using Magento, after some testings and breaking down the code i realized that people that created Magento had taken the maximum out of PHP as programming language, read it again, the maximum from the PHP language. It is something amazing how code is organized and how it functions. Never tried any other shopping carts so i won’t go into judging.

  107. I have over the years used osCommerce and Zen Cart and used a number of CMS systems.

    I have to say I will never recommend anything but Drupal again. Drupal actually gives you a choice of 2 e-commerce systems.

    ecommerce –
    ubercart –

    I have used Ubercart many times and I have to say it does what it promises. A few times I have tried to make it do things it was not designed to do and it got a little frustrating but having Drupal as a development platform makes all the difference. If Drupal is good enough for the then it is good enough for me.

    Drupal + Views module + CCK module + UberCart module makes for a very powerful combo. Cant wait to try out the ecommerce module and compare it to Ubercart

    But dont take my word for it, have a look this list of sites Dries Buytaert (the man that started Drupal) has put together –

    And lastly let me just say that I will never again use Joomla for anything.

  108. Zen Cart is seems OK until you realize how many things require tweaking and modifying. Keeping all your overrides in order is a little crazy. The overall template system makes a lot of sense but, it also seems that Zen Cart’s designers didn’t put any effort into the invoice, packing-slip, or email sending part of it – poor template system and difficult to follow when trying to modify.

  109. You have missed out a loaded version of osCommerce using Basic Templating System.

    Keeps close to the original source, lots of pre-installed functionality, easily editted, easy to add your own mods but developed enough to use out of the box.

    New Version 2.1 coming soon with redesigned admin section.

  110. If you are looking for a good hosted solution I’d throw into the hat. It’s not as milky as zencart and much easier to us than OScommerce.

    OS wouldn’t be so bad if they had better support…..any recommendations on an OS host with at least business hour phone support?

  111. After evaluating ZenCart and osCommerce I finally found OpenCart which I found to be great. However, after realizing that OpenCart was to limited I found a cart software that is state of the art. I have converted ALL my shops to run this software now. And the name? PrestaShop!

    PrestaShop is really a state of the art software. It has everything you need, stock handling, payment modules, localisation editor and so on and so forth, the list of features is so long that you need to check it out yourself. It is VERY nice indeed!

    I highly recommend PrestaShop!

  112. Regarding shopping carts.

    It’s not JUST the shopping cart, it’s the BACKEND that really counts. ALL of these so-called shopping carts (Magento, OSC, Zen…) have absolutely *NO* accounting featutes built-in.

    After you spend 1000s of dollars getting your website operational, and you start selling products, it’ll suddenly hit you… What about all the accounting? You are making sales, collecting tax, every transaction REQUIRES auditable accounting!!!

    You’ll have to start recording that $1.50 profit you made as taxible income… Huh? Go grab a paper and pencil because you didn’t think things through.

    SO: What next? Well, because you unfortunately chose a shopping cart w/o accounting, Magento (and a few others) have so-called “connectors” that interface with QuickBooks, Sage, and even SAP, but they are expensive and require expertise to implement and maintain. Also, they are not perfect, using dissimilar databases, communicate over XMLRPC, etc.

    Suddenly, you now have “another” database to backup, another machine to maintain, another consultant to call and pay. Basically, they are all hokey “kludges” that are slow, unreliable, and when you have to troubleshoot “where are my transactions”… A nightmare.

    SOLUTION? First choose an ERP *with* ecommerce features, like Apaches OFBiz (Open for Business).

    A SINGLE database (mysql, postgres, even ORACLE!) handles all the ecommerce, accounting, inventory, stock, EVERYTHING. If you need to update the stock inventory, you just go into the catalog manager, update the stock/price and poof, the website has the new information. You want to take a telephone order.. Or you have a brick and morter shop? Well, use the built-in Point OF Sale (POS) terminal that is automatically integrated with your (global) catalog manager. You need to call a customer? Built-in.

    You make a sale, OFBiz automatically performs the ecommerce duties (credits your merchant account) *AND* updates your general ledger, stock, etc.

    It’s all java based, so it’s secure/safe, unlike those PHP security nightmare based shopping carts that are dog-slow (like Magento).

    People. It’s *NOT* just about the shopping cart… That should be about about 30% of your decision making process. Keep your life simple and look for automated accounting features. None of the above shopping carts have this.

    Don’t make the mistake of choosing the shopping cart because it has cool features and templates. Think about how the shopping cart will interface with day-to-day business. If you don’t, your success will be your worst enemy, and you’ll be spending all of your time getting your accounting caught up.

  113. After reading through most of these comments, I am not convinced about any software (though I will be giving ZenCart a try). Remember the original post was two years ago ( a long time online), and the software mentioned have probably been updated/improved a lot sinece then, and there are many more around as noted by the commenters. Maybe it is time for a reworking of the original list.

  114. I would watch out for Magento, cause yes its free and yes its nice…but for primary features to work (RIGHT)attributes, importing and exporting etc etc you need 3rd party apps, and let me tell ya, those 3rd part get VERY pricy, and they starting to break down modules into seperate submodules then so once you buy one, to get the feature you need, you quickly find out, you need to by another again, to get the full fuctionality. I would stay away from Magento, if you a poweruser, or plan on being successful.

  115. this is a great list and since i’ve recently reviewed most of these here are some recent comments.

    To reiterate the comments on opencart, I suggest that everyone seriously consider reading the forums before using it for a live website. It’s a shame because the UI is excellent. It’s obvious that the opencart developer is very inexperienced and has no concept of open source release management. If you don’t agree, look at the fact that the 1.4.x release has already had 5 updates in a few short weeks including both bug fixes and enhancements which are untested and take a look at the SVN repository at google code ( and see there is no release management at all. I would barely consider this as a true open-source project but rather a single developer who shared his code online so the world could test it for him and an attempt to make some money by sharing it. Kudos to the guy for trying, but try harder.

    This looks good and may be one of the best UI’s next to OpenCart, but I had issues with online admin demo. Issues may or may not be browser related, or may be because it’s a “1.3 beta” version. Either way, I need a cart today and i’m not using beta software for a live store. I may come back after the official release version comes out and consider it for future sites.

    oscommerce used to be the best you could get which is why it has so many shops using it. ZenCart was forked from it is still not much better than the original beast. ZenMagick is nothing more than a face-lift to make working with the original beast easier. It’s time for a major redesign and rewrite to clean up the old mess before this to reclaim a spot in any ‘best of’ list.

    Based on various comments here and in other forums, this didn’t make my short list. It may be pretty code that easy to maintain, but if it’s sluggish and has a complex database then it’s not well designed and you can’t easily fix that in a minor release.

    this might be a great cart, but it doesn’t belong on the ‘best of’ cart list because it’s built on a CMS system. If i wanted to use Drupal as the backbone for my cart, I would have installed Drupal. If you are already using Drupal, then this is a great option but otherwise it doesn’t belong on the list.

    Only the older version is free and if you want free you don’t want “old and free”. If you are willing to pay a small fee for your cart then it’s a decent option but probably not the best.

    I’m adding this to my review list in case anyone asks…Don’t bother with it. It requires either the zend or ioncube optimizer to be installed and it took me several hours to just get it working (and it’s not even a full catalog and doesn’t have a database). After simply reviewing the files that are not encoded, the php code was bad and I deleted it from my test system.

    The older 2.3 version was a decent simple shopping cart and the new 3.0 adds some nice features. The new AJAX admin is nice but is having some layout issues for me. Doesn’t make the list of top carts for me because it’s missing some core features. It includes “product variations” which is a limited way to handle options but not very well. Also, shipping costs are defined per product and it doesn’t appear to include any type of shipping modules which are core these days.

    My final decision is to pay the small $115 fee to buy X-Cart. For those osCommerce users, it includes a lot of the same complex features in it’s many modules but it’s a lot more stable since it comes as a “package” from the vendor and is well organized and uses templates organized into a skin folder. Doesn’t require much php or developer experience and templates can be updated by anyone that knows html. Also, documentation and support is very good. My only complaint is the busy admin navigation which is poorly laid out but hopefully this will all be improved in the next 5.x version but for now it works.

  116. @jc2010: Thanks for mentioning ZenMagick. I’d like to disagree on your assessment that ZenMagick is merely a facelift.

    True, it implements more or less the same features as it is based on zencart. However, except for a few places (unfortunately still the checkout), it uses completely new code.

    The project approach is evolution so it takes time to outgrow all the old bits and pieces.

    Admin, of course, is a different matter, things are slowly changing, though, and I expect to have a new admin theme and incremental cleanup of all admin pages starting in the near future.

    ZenMagick also introduces new things, like central validation rules, configurable URL mappings to change page flow, real plugins, build in Ajax support and more.

  117. I’m trying to find an OSS shopcart for software distribution at an academic institution. I’ve used this site as a source for my interim analysis, which may be useful to others wanting to choose an appropriate OSS shopcart. If interested, it’s at:

    You could also use the above link for a traceback.


  118. @DerManoMann thanks for the additional info. I didn’t mean to totally discredit ZenMagick; however, I haven’t personally dug into it much mainly because of it’s project roots. If ZenMagick is taking on the design goal to fix it’s predecessors, then that is great; however, knowing how projects and code evolves it has a lot to fix.

    @jc2010 (yes, myself) I wanted to update my previous comment about open-cart and let everyone know that the developer appears to have enabled SVN access rather than providing only downloadable archives. this is one small step in the right direction.

  119. @jc2010: Well, I guess these misunderstandings are one reason I am desperate for a website relaunch 🙂
    ZenMagick is slowly growing into a separate application with (so far) compatibility with zen cart databases.
    The storefront side is definitely not compatible, themes/templates are *very* different.

    So, the aim is to provide the same functionality, but with fundamentally different code. ZenMagick uses zen cart code only where really necessary to maintain compatibility (the checkout process, mostly)
    On the admin side things are not so far apart, however, my current work on the next release (ZenMagick 0.9.9 has just been released) will start to change that.
    As of the next version the ZenMagick admin UI will be integrated, but completely separate and use the same MVC framework the storefront code uses. Both admin and storefront will be separate apps, but still share a lot of the database access code.

    I hope that gives a clearer picture of where things are heading with ZenMagick and what the benefits are.


  120. I am very grateful to have found this page. I was unable to find any other site which compares shopping carts. After reading the whole thing, I decided that OpenCart had the fewest negative comments. I was particularly impressed by the fellow who said it took 1/3 the time to do a site with OpenCart than with Magento. Also, someone else said that OpenCart’s code is clean, and someone called it “Magento Lite” (I think). I think someone also said that customizing the template was easier than with other carts. When I went to the OpenCart site, I found their demo shop to be more impressive than the others. Well, I installed OpenCart, and so far I am very happy with it. The installation instructions are not that detailed, but I figured it out with help from the forum. The admin area is logical and well laid out. I have had to go into the code just once to do some customizing — all the other customizing I want to do can be done in the admin area. It’s true that the developer is not very helpful — but then, the cart is free. I have every intention of giving him a contribution once I have it all set up. Most of all, I’m glad to have avoided osCommerce — that’s the cart that my hosting company offers.

    One suggestion: Before installing any shopping cart, make sure you have all the latest programs on your site. My hosting company is WestHost (a fabulous, up-to-date hosting company). However, my site was on their older system with PHP4. I upgraded to their new system before installing OpenCart. I haven’t experienced a single glitch.

  121. Calib: I checked, and OpenCart DOES have a QuickBooks “connector”, here:

    You’re going to need it, eventually. I does cost money, and will require others things as well, like time, money, and energy to test/implement. Better factor that into your selection process (see my previous mz4wheeler post).

    Eventually, you’ll understand that it’s not just the shopping cart, it’s the accounting that REALLY matters. When you want to do special stuff, like dropshipping, you’ll understand the nature of your selection.

  122. had a nice reply from Daniel Kerr @ to a simple question:

    Q: Hi, i am considering using opencart for a new site i’m due to build – however, i see through the demo that nothing works without javascript. is this deliberate?

    A: your an idiot who knows nothing about setting up web sites to ask such a stupid thing!

    the one major disappointment of these carts is the BASIC lack of functionality when javascript is turned off. seriously, who TF is developing these things??

  123. About OpenCart, one thing I’ve discovered is that they’re not a nice bunch. Daniel Kerr ignores most of his messages, and the developer who answers most of the questions in the forum has an attitude. The one time I made a donation, I didn’t get a thank you. Their attitudes are curious given that they depend on donations. Even so, I am glad I installed OpenCart. The program is simple, elegant and fast. Some customizations have to be made in the code, but you can find instructions in the forum if you search. The shipping modules are a little complicated. My biggest complaint is that you can’t put Buy buttons on the main page — a visitor has to go to each product page to put it in the cart, but that isn’t as tedious as it sounds. Also, I would like it if the cart supported wish lists.

    I must say, though, that if I hadn’t installed the program, and if Daniel Kerr called me an idiot in an email (as he did the poster two messages above), I’d look elsewhere.

  124. Based upon the authors recommendation I downloaded and installed Magento on my site. I spend a few hours trying to figure out how to add my own logo and start adding items and catergories, but without any documentation it seems this product will not work for me. Perhaps you can help me to pick another one product that will.

    What I am looking for is a platform that will let me import data from shopper press. That is what I initially used to create my first ecommerce website. I found it was real easy to setup my Site using Shopper Press Pro, which is simular to WordPress, but it lets you add or import product from Ebay and Amazon assosiates. Also I can add items just by creating posting muck like you do in a wordpress Blog. The only reason I want to switch to an Open Source Platform is that Shopper Press costs at keast $100. I was getting it for free by using a another site callled I was then using a frame redirect to my subsite called partlandusa. This method worked, to make my site look nice however I have now been told that Frame redirects are real bad for SEO and Search Engines.

    If magento is too complicated, which other Platform could you recommend?

  125. I feel an obligation to update my comments about OpenCart since things have changed slightly. My biggest complaint (as stated above) was that there were no Buy buttons on the main page. They have now installed that feature, although the buttons look like a little plus signs, so your customers may not know what they are. As for wish lists, they are going to add that feature in the next release. And since they come out with a new release every two or three months, that means it will be here very soon. Some features remain poorly implemented, such as the shipping module, but in most respects the cart works very well. It is both fast and elegant.

    Oh yes, there are some important features missing from the cart (volume discounts and minimum orders in particular) but those features are available from the private site of one of the developers at a low cost.

    Unfortunately, the guys who develop the program and run the site are still not very nice. But the forums allow you to find answers to most of the questions that you have.

  126. I am reading some comments against OpenCart and i think that lots of developers want to be lazy and just accuse developers who had sat down and did some open source project.
    OpenCart is very good cart with very easy way of customizing the template or adding some module or extra functionality. Also the admin panel is very easy to extend too, so building module that works from the admin panel is very easy.
    I also have recently worked with XT-Commerce which is quite a copy of OSCommerce but it costs money and the code in both sucks so much and it is so old, whilst OpenCart gives you very good MVC structure.
    About the thing that OpenCart doesn’t work without JavaScript, i think if you have accepted an offer to build web shop and if you don’t know how to fix the “javascript disabled” thing, then you should change your profession and try do something else for living. In every shop i did, i always had to change lots of things and do some tweaking to make it the way customer wants.
    I think developers should be more grateful for open source projects such as OpenCart, if not they should build a better one and stfu.

  127. I Personally feel that Magento is the BEST open source php cart in existence however is not a great match for shared hosting.

    I would say that Prestashop is great for shared hosting.

    If you want to do some work with CMS, then either Ubercart with Drupal or Virtuemart with Joomla are the only ways to go.

  128. If you are in need of a full-fledge and easy-to-manage shopping cart system, I recommend TomatoCart( rather than Magento, osCommerce and other. (It is undeniable Mangento is great, but I think it is too complicated to run a small or medium sized business.).

    If you spend only a few minutes, you can expertly operate it due to the “Desktop” admin control panel, that is based on RIAs.

    Moreover, TomatoCart is a fork of osCommerce,that inherits all functions from oscommerce, and integrates its own robust features, such as web analytics, SEO, Promotion tools, and more.

    TomatoCart is the best out of box, and totally open source. You might have been heard of a few others, but you will not be disappointed with the functionality and amazing design of TomatoCart. Worth a look at

  129. Zencart is something I have invested a lot of time in, even donations, but I can’t wait to port to something else. It’s the forum mostly. If you are not prepared to praise, and instead provide (even constructive) criticism, it’s as if you are back at school. Take the Image Handler add-on crowd, for example. They may be a talented bunch but woe betide you if aren’t fawning all over them and their pretty essential but wanting mod. Then you have to suffer belittlement, insults and humiliation. Protest and *you* become the problem. Of course there are many helpful people in the forums too, but there are simply too many contributors involved – including the forum administrator – who have an “it’s free you should be grateful” attitude. It’s only a shopping cart for god’s sake, but anyone would think you were criticizing the Chinese Govt.! If you like being humiliated and talked down to, on an all too regular basis, then Zencart’s for you. And yes, at some stage you are gonna need the forums.

  130. Brilliant. I just typed “shopping cart open source” into google, and this webpage popped up. Saves me loads of time looking for a shopping cart myself. Can’t wait to brag to my friends and family with my website, that I made totally on my own, and for FREE.

    Thanks for this convenient list of carts. Couldn’t have asked for more.

  131. Alice:

    Check out OFBiz or OpenTaps. They are ERPs with Ecommerce capabilities, written in java. It is important that there is a single database serving up data for both the ERP and Ecommerce frontend. Avoid ERPs that have “connectors” to Magento (like OpenERP, OpenBravo) and it’s necessary to “sync” ERP data to the website frontend like Magento. They are junk and have poor performance.

    Any serious business person wouldn’t use ANY of these shopping carts because they all lack any sort of accounting capabilities. They are all about the web presentation (which IS important), but much more important is how they connect to the BACKEND. Remember, all shopping cart transactions, no matter how small the profit, MUST be auditable. If you make a $1.50 profit selling that CD then that $1.50 better be recorded somewhere either on paper, quickbooks, or better yet, in an ERP.

    So, if your goals are small, or you only have a few items to sell, then ANY of these shopping carts are fine. If you think that in the future you’re going to have 10s of thousands of products and operators standing by, then NONE of these are suitable.

  132. The article itself is kinda crappy for not having a real comparison done between different Shopping Carts, BUT the comments are the real gem here and worth all the time in the world to read them through.
    After trying a few of them I have remained with OpenCart for no-other reason that being very simple to use and having a Guest Checkout option, which PrestaShop doesn’t have.
    Even so, there are a lot of little things that have annoyed me, nothing that required coding however, just small stupid things like not updating the currency on the front end (even though I have selected something else than the sterling pound as default) until I actually deleted the sterling pound.
    It’s really full of this small stupid annoyances, but other than that it does work and does what it’s supposed to do.

    Several people have recommended tomatocart, I didn’t like the feel of their forum. The possible security issues were not answered to by the developers.

    One of the carts I will try in the future is Shopizer – I like everything about it so far, but I’ve found it after managing to cleanup all the OpenCart bugs. So I just couldn’t bring myself to test Shopizer as well.

    Now if you need a really really pro solution and you have to think about accounting and stock issues, you have more than one store sharing the same database and also a physical store sharing the same database and all kind of high end demands, then I suggest you go with OFBiz.

  133. finally, i select the zencart for my review site of mobile phones. i will be back after installation and let you all know about my site. thanks for the nice writing.

  134. Pingback: Your title here » Blog Archive » New Shop Using PrestaShop

  135. Take Cube Cart off the list. Although the code is fairly well organized, the administration side is quite intuitive, and the store is easy to customize with lots of payment options, customer support is *severely* lacking. Bug reports and issues are often ignored for extended periods of time (months), and the Cube Cart community doesn’t have any experts either. I’ve asked relatively simple questions, and gotten snarky responses, or worse no help at all. I’ve built 5 stores with CubeCart for my clients, but I won’t be building any more. It’s just not worth the hassle.

  136. I have tried many and will be trying all of them to offer customers.

    Most recent tried Magento but there is one bug that has not been addressed for more than two years which turns me off with regards to reliable support.

    Seems you can change themes ONE TIME then you are locked because there is a date function that I assume is to permit changing themes based on dates. Problem is you can’t tell what the “default” date is and once you change a theme any future changes are rejected because of a “date conflict” that you cannot resolve. What ever theme you switch to the first time you are stuck with unless you reinstall the program or muddle around in the SQL database.

    I can’t have much confidence in unresolved bugs more than two years old.

    Avoid Magento.

  137. ZEN CART !

    I have used this cart for a number of years. It has just about all you could want. It is easy to change design.

    The best thing is support because they have a very active forum and someone will most likely respond to a problem within mere hours. Other products lack the large well informed community support provided by Zen cart. osCommerce is similar in support but Zen ( based on osCommerce ) is easier to configure because it adds so many more “adjustments” to the layout directly from the control panel.

    Consider Zen to be osCommerce on Steroids! Highly recommended.

  138. VirtuMart.

    If you use Joomla for CMS and need to add ecommerce, VirtuMart is an excellent option.

    All the necessary functions and it just “blends in” to your existing Joomla design.

    If you start from scratch there is even a combined Joomla/Virtumart install package which I highly recommend as it removes some of the hassles of trying to add VirtuMart to an existing Joomla installation.

    I Recommend VirtuMart for Joomla when you need both full CMS and e Commerce.

  139. I came here while searching for the best open source shoping cart to use, nice reading and thank’s for sharing.
    Since my site is joomla based i choosed to try vrtuemart..

  140. Ya nice comparision of shopping carts.
    Howver I feel using magento because of its stability when large no of products are added.
    Its a bit slow , but i hope it will be faster with higher version

  141. I have to agree with the others Ubercart in Drupal is a winning combo, especially if you ever want to customize something simply. Used Magento in the past, it is nice but sloowwww and full of major bugs, so now happy with flexible and fast as Drupal with Ubercart.

  142. Hi, Thanks heaps for this awesome list,

    I would like to know if anybody knows witch one would be the best to build more a e-calatlog. I need to build a website that will display items to order, it will take order but no payment or shipping… That would be taking care from a sale repersentative by mail or phone. We just need the clients to see the items, read description, add to cart and place the order…

    Hope i am clear…

    Thanks in Advance

  143. Hmm, I am biased, but with ZenMagick that should be relatively easy to bypass the checkout process with some custom dummy shipping/payment modules.
    Might be a good thing to add to ZenMagicks features 🙂

  144. Great list of shopping cart. Thanks everyone for your comments and recommendations.. Saves me plenty of time searching for cart myself.

    My short list:
    OpenCart= User friendly, Clean codes, Slick look, low cost addons
    PrestaShop = Has impressive professional templates-downside high cost for simple addons

    I guess the best way for you to pick a cart is by your own individual needs now and the near future goals –otherwise none of these will work for you.

  145. I have tried out a few carts. I Love presta shopping cart EXCEPT am still looking for other options because as far as I could see, it REQUIRES customers to sign up. Like paypal used to do … and some customers just want to be a one-time buyer without all the account creation. I’d love to hear of other open cart programs that have log-in AND guest shopping options

  146. Hope i had find this post earlier. Magento is very hard to use for people with limited php knowledge. But Opencart is much easier to use. I spent a few days and could not handle Magento and found very little information to solve problems i have encounted.

  147. Magento has the best functionality, but instead of messing with the code and installations I found which seems to offer all Magento functionality already hosted. And its free of any charge. I’v been using it for over a year now without paying a dime.

  148. Hi guys, nice information. well i want to know is there any Online shopping cart which also support some Point of sale. So we can use same Database mostly in MySQL.

  149. >Hi guys, nice information. well i want to know is there any
    >Online shopping cart which also support some Point of sale.
    >So we can use same Database mostly in MySQL.

    Yes. Ofbiz supports Online shopping cart, POS, and a full ERP backend (for accounting, AP, AR, etc.). It also supports barcodes and countless other features. A single database (Mysql/Posrgres/Oracle/SQLServer) supports the whole system.

  150. Thanks for the work of gathering together all these. I think it’s very useful review for someone who looks for open source.
    But I have a question about CS-Cart community.
    Did anybody try it? Any feedbacks?

  151. Thanks for providing links for shopping cart .they are really useful.but is there a way i could add shopping cart for credit and debit card payment rather than paypal

  152. As long as you go on updating oscommerce security patches you will be safe to use the cart life long.

    One of the most used carts all over the world. my vote to oscommerce


  153. Magento and Zencart aren’t shopping carts, they’re ecommerce cms systems. Is this the case for all of these suggestions?

  154. Both OSCommerce, zencart, and anything else branched off of that foul, atrocious code should have been aborted before they ever began.
    It’s difficult to believe anyone could work with that mess. You can customize them to do whatever you want, but god knows how many hours you will waste digging through that chicken scratch when you could have started with a well programmed website from the beginning.

  155. Hi, I’ve used ZEN CART on a few websites and am always looking for something better!

    I think I might try PRESTASHOP unless someone can point me to a better shopping cart.

    Great post BTW and thanks for sharing.
    Warren (UK)

  156. I too prefer Magento. You can achieve many goals from its back end. Its better to add a voting associated with this post. so the new comers can be select one based on the vote.

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  160. Hello There. I found your blog using msn. This is an extremely well written article. I’ll be sure to bookmark it and return to read more of your useful information. Thanks for the post. I will definitely return.

  161. I work for a small web design company and we’ve been making ecommerce sites for a while. We traditionally used OSCommerce and OSC Max, but only because it was the main one around when we started. It is tough to unpick the code, and the admin section is a bit un-user-friendly, and our clients are often a bit dissappointed/confused if they are doing the site admin (try to add products etc). Also, its a pain when you want to add extra static pages eg everybody wants as “About Us” page, and you have to manually create it and edit multiple files to get it to appear – should feature an integrated cms system in admin. I’m trying to drop it if the truth be told. Have been trying to familiarise myself with Opencart and Magento. Opencart seems very user friendly. I worry that it may not be as supported as OScommerce. Magento seems good but has so many options, and concepts to get your head around (website/store/store view/design packages/themes etc), I worry our clients will find it confusing to use. Also hear it is a bit hefty and slow. Would like to hear from users of both Magento and Opencart.

  162. Pingback: can I get my ex back

  163. Great post, great resource, thank you!
    Having used many of these carts, Prestashop is my go-to software. Light, fast, flexible, scalable…once you get to know its architecture there’s nothing you can’t do with it. The community has swelled with several hundred thousand users contributing, and they claim 100K shops are now built on the platform. We’ve been writing module and modifications, both free and paid, for Prestashop for some time now and it’s the only cart we’re willing to work with. And of course we built our own site on Prestashop! (

  164. Cool list, we are looking around for some faster systems. We are currently using Joomla/Virtuemart combination. It is good for smaller systems in our opinion but for our shop with 10000+ products the system combo is too slow. Also 2checkout is a nightmare to configure. The community is at a loss since they are not getting much support from the guys at 2co. Also to create a free shipping if you spend a certain amount had to be custom coded for us. These are standard things a cart should have coming right out of the gate. It should also have a good import and product management tool which Virtuemart really lacks in. We purchased a component that works well but like I said this should already be in a shop. Just my opinion. Again thanks for the list, this will give us a starting point for more research and if you want to see what we managed to accomplish with Joomla/Virtuemart combo you can see it at

  165. Purely to follow up on the up-date of this subject on your site and would want to let you know just how much I prized the time you took to generate this handy post. Inside the post, you really spoke of how to seriously handle this problem with all comfort. It would be my pleasure to accumulate some more suggestions from your web page and come as much as offer some others what I learned from you. Thanks for your usual terrific effort.

  166. I have a shopping cart based on NOP Design JavaScript Shopping Cart 4.4.0 which is still out there to be downloaded. I have had it running for nearly 10 years and it has been highly modified. It is in html and javascript with a bit of php in the final checkout. I have 4000+ products in a mysql database.

    I am looking for something that might be more robust but really want only the checkout shopping cart portion. I do not want to start over again on my web pages (at least not now).

    So the features I need are:
    Uses my mysql database for product information during checkout
    No customer log in wanted
    No payment gateways used
    Permits me to customize sales tax and shipping (USPS)tables. (We are based in the US but do a lot of international business.)
    Currently orders with credit card data are sent to me in encrypted email. I like this option but would consider others if completely secure.
    I am familiar with working in javascript and html and would like to stick with it if possible. A customizable product is preferred.


  167. Hi…

    Does anyone know of any open source shopping carts that have full import and export features?


    Importing of CSV product files.
    Exporting of store databases like, customers, products, etc… etc.

    And MOST importantly, exporting in the proper formats for all the shopping portals like, Google Product Search and so on.

    And MOST important of all… pushing to eBay with support for multiple eBay store categories AND sub-categories.

    Thank you for your time and help.


  168. Hei.
    The most of the carts mentioned here require less or more PHP/HTML knowledge.
    I have none.
    But I do need a solid, full of features and affordable shopping cart, with a reliable and professional support.

    What will it be then ?

  169. I’m really loving the theme/design of your site. Do you ever run into any internet browser compatibility issues? A number of my blog audience have complained about my blog not working correctly in Explorer but looks great in Opera. Do you have any ideas to help fix this problem?

  170. looking for a shopping cart with built in capability to do gift shipping to multiple recipients in the same order. Example: Betty Smith buys 3 books and wants to ship each book to a different person and include a different note to each person and have each book gift wrapped.

    Just wondering if any of the shopping carts out there do that or if there are plug ins for that sort of thing.

  171. Hmm it appears like your site ate my first comment (it was super long) so I guess I’ll just sum it up what I had written and say, I’m thoroughly enjoying your blog. I as well am an aspiring blog blogger but I’m still new to the whole thing. Do you have any helpful hints for inexperienced blog writers? I’d definitely appreciate it.

  172. This design is steller! You most certainly know how to keep a reader amused. Between your wit and your videos, I was almost moved to start my own blog (well, almost…HaHa!) Great job. I really loved what you had to say, and more than that, how you presented it. Too cool!

  173. Hello there! This is my first visit to your blog! We are a team of volunteers and starting a new project in a community in the same niche. Your blog provided us beneficial information to work on. You have done a marvellous job!

  174. Am setting up website for inlaws Landscape business. I need a program so that I can easily create categories, subcategories, multiple images, product descriptions. They do not want prices shown or any online checkout. Which of the free shopping carts would you recommend seeing that payment gateways and shipping do not matter?

  175. hi
    thanks for information’s.but i need little not English native country.then by country does not accept pay pal.i need alert pay supported shopping cart i search every where but cant find it.also i need it to be trust to use with real

  176. This is amazing info! i actually saved this on my bookmarks a year ago and still refer back. Are there any templates like this for the travel accommodation industry that allows bookings etc instead of just simple eccomerce

  177. I purchased wpStoreCart Pro. It looked good and it was only $27 – almost the same as free.:) I’ve uploaded all my products without any problems, but still had lots of questions. I emailed them and went on their forums, filed support tickets – and it’s like a cemetery out there: it’s dead, no response to anything. So frustrating… I still don’t know how to set up my affiliate links there… I wish I’d come upon your thread here before buying it… I see that no-one here even mentions it! Well, no surprise – it sucks!

  178. Magento Community is great for small to medium companies. However getting it to scale to 100,000+ users a month is a bit tricky. We have built some of the largest Enterprise Magento sites and can help with this.

    We are also launching a fully hosted Magento Community edition for small to medium business with full support. Hit me back if you want to know more.

  179. I recently heard great about things about ecwid for small clients and prestashop for larger clients with custom configuration needs. Both hava an intuitive interface and good support. I’ll put my summary thoughts below, but I’d also like to hear other peoples experience with these or others. I’ll be honest about what’s important to me (1) the learning curve should not require you to learn a whole new language – one to two weeks max 2) themeing needs to be easy and based on what we already know about html/css (3) community support should be stellar.

    *So here’s my experience:*

    -themeing is a real pain (non-intuitive)
    -extremely antiquated
    -poor support unless you pay
    -frustrating to learn

    -Great for small business and clients who are not savvy for maintaining
    -Hosted and maintained by ecwid
    -No SSL to deal with
    -No costs for SSL, or dedicated ip
    -All feeds same database
    -Embeds Easily & Works on any platform (it embeds easily on any site, even Facebook) – this -means you can embed the cart on numerous sites
    -Easy to learn, very intuitive
    -Fast setup
    -Mobile friendly
    -*Support* – Forum support but they answer same day
    -*Additional Comments*
    -Ecwid is the simplest cart on the market
    -Free version works up to 100 products
    -Subscription for only $15 a month offers more features

    -Prestashop is much more customizable for the larger clients (replaces Magento)
    -Addons cost money but their core is free
    -Modern interface
    -Built on a much more solid framework than Magento
    -More intuitive to manage than Magento
    -Presta has great support because most likely you will buy some of their addons
    -*Additional Comments*
    -The key to making Presta shine beyond core is to go through their addons and customize the -package for your client. It’s flexible
    -Adons are developed by presta…so their is stability

  180. Very informative. I’m wondering though if the comments are skewed a bit to PHP products. As a Java guy who never developed in PHP I understand it to be for smaller system so scalability might be limited. I also noticed a comment how PHP has a lot more security issues than Java. Plus I’m not sure of integration issues if I wanted to integrate Java libraries, etc.

    I think I’ll look at the Apache OFBiz™ and maybe the Ruby on Rails out of curiosity since I could integrate with JRuby.

    Can anyone comment on integration issues or suggest other eCommerce open source platforms that would integrate well with Java/J2EE?

  181. Pingback: Anonymous

  182. FERNANDO M. SALGADOEn temas de gestión sanitaria estamos cayendo sistemáticamente en demagogia, la oposición critica lo que luego hace y el gobierno hace lo que antes criticaba. Los ciudadanos estamos más que hartos de que jueguen con nosotros ofreciéndonos informaciones absurdas en cuanto a tiempos medios de espera que desde luego no se cumplen; señores/as, no nos hagan idiotas haciéndonos creer que en 40 días se hace una resonancia en los hospitales gallegos, o que no hay casi nadie que lleve esperando más de 180 días por una intervención quirúrgica; revisen las listas del Chuvi.

  183. Nice and clear comparisons.

    I use Abantecart now and it is very good. I switched from Oscommerce. I would add Abantecart to the list. It is great candidate.

  184. For those claiming that Magento offers good support, guess again. Magento Enterprise support is horrible. They takes weeks to respond and every single time a bug is reported they blame it on a custom 3rd party module without offering much of a solution. Don’t waste your money on this convoluted system if you want to have a customizable/extensible shopping cart. The learning curve is steep (we’re 8 months in and still struggle with it) and you can expect simple development tasks that normally take hours to accomplish to turn into days or weeks in Magento. This so-called “user community” that they tout is useless, as is most of their out-dated and cryptic documentation.

    It’s unfortunate that our “leadership” chose to use this product. Had we chosen more wisely we’d have had our new storefront up months ago, and without all the gray hair and frustration that comes with working on an over-engineered system like this. Instead we’re a solid 6 months out from launching our new store and taking heat from management on why we aren’t closer to launch.

  185. I spent 4 hours, trying to figure out “Why” the module positioning in Prestashop is such a stuff-up, Including almost 2 hours on their forum, which is a total mess… just go there and find it out for your self. no documentation, no help files …. Gosh, OK, but why does it have to be “any” problem at the beginning?

    Nope, that is one at the very beginning of my testing phase on Prestashop and enough to dump it into the bin, I don;t have time to spend on something that shouldn’t require a minute extra to be spent (and they got 4 hours now on one single issue, I guess that is enough)

    Good bye, Prestashop.

  186. Hyder says:

    > These all are in php. Is there any opensourse shopong cart
    > script in Java?

    Check out Apache’s Open For Business (OFBiz)

    Complex, but it is a full featured business framework which includes a great e-commerce shopping cart.

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  189. Nice listing. These are independent application only meant for Shopping cart. Can you review on something like Jigoshop for WordPress CMS. However, opencart is a great software but it lac in nice user interface at admin end and making a template is a big deal in open cart. I feel WordPress is quite easier but it sometimes lac in speed.

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    Pick and choose [url=]?????(???)[/url] your discussions wisely and only partake in those where you have something of value to share. When you can, leave comments that are helpful in some way to the other participants. Remember to always remain courteous and humble to make sure to give others a positive impression of yourself.

    If so, this may lead to more agreements because a level of trust is built based on the genuine focus on your child’s needs. Even if this does not work, and if the decision did get to a judge, the identifiable effort would give the effort-making parent an advantage.Another court policy that may help in all co-parenting situations is to avoid any type of alienation. Judges frown upon alienation of any type because alienation does not serve a child’s best interests.

  310. Hari, minggu dan tahun yang ku lalui begitu sesak, sesak dengan rindu, rinduku padanya, sehari ku tak bisa melihat wajahnya , kurasa gelisah yang tak menentu, ingin menghubunginya aku malu, teramat malu, kerana aku takut dia akan perasankan tingkah laku ku yang kian berubah. Memang aku sentiasa mengambil berat tentangnya. Jika boleh aku mahu sentiasa bersamanya walaupun hanya seketika.

  311. Persekitaran UiTM memang memaksa aku untuk bergantung pada orang lain. Kelas pun di atas dan jauh Tak boleh di tukar, pergi dan balik dari kelas menjadi aktiviti kelise aku di sini. Aku tak pernah diberi peluang untuk terlibat dengan aktiviti lain. Maafkan aku teman, mungkin aku tak layak untuk berada di kalangan kalian. Maafkan aku andai kehadiran aku hanya menyusahkan. Umpama melukut di tepi gantang.

  312. “Hai!”, tegurnya. Mungkin dia tahu situasi kalut aku agaknya. “Hai!”, aku jawab balik. “Sorang je ke?”, hek eleh… dah nampak aku sorang, lagi mau tanya, aku fire gak mamat ni kang. “Taklah, berdua”, jawabku spontan. “Hah? sape sorang lagi?” soalnya lagi. “Bayang-bayang”, jawabku ringkas. Dia gelak perlahan, macam orang bengang je bunyinya. Nasib ko lah mamat…. Aku harap ko berputus asa untuk mengorat aku ni. Aku tarik nafas lega dan sambung aktiviti melayan perasaan aku sambil menikmati pandangan indah di luar sana. Bas dah bergerak sejak 30 minit tadi. Rasa lenguh pulak leher aku asyik pandang ke kanan aje. Aku betulkan duduk agar lebih selesa. Aku toleh ke kiri, alamak!! mamat ni tengah tenung aku…. Dia ni mabuk ke apa? Aku jadi makin tak keruan. Aku rasa muka ni dah membahang dah. Dia senyum je. Dia bisik kat aku, “Muka awak dah merah, cantik! sesuai dengan nama awak, Merah. Saya suka”. Hampehhhh!!!! sumpahku dalam hati. “Nama saya Yasin”, sambungnya lagi. “What?! Yasin…. alamak.. dia ni ke secrete admirer aku. Mana nak menyorok ni???”.

  313. ‘Kalau dia ikhlas, dia takkan bagi banyak alasan setiap kali Ayish ajak dia berjumpa dengan ibu nak. Ibu minta tolong sangat-sangat jauhkan diri Ayish dari Danish ya nak. Tidak perlu bercinta kerana Allah telah menentukan segalanya. Kita sebagai wanita hanya perlu menuggu dengan penuh kesabaran,” sambung ibu lagi.

  314. Aku berasa sungguh terharu. Aku mengambil hadiah tersebut. Tiba-tiba ayahku susah untuk bernafas. Mak Long menyuruh ayahku mengucap. Selepas ayahku mengucap, ayahku menghembus nafasnya yang terakhir. Ayahku telah dipanggil Illahi dan telah pergi buat selama-lamanya. Kalau ikutkan hati aku, aku ingin menangis sehingga bergegar satu bangunan hospital itu. Tapi apakan daya, di situ tempat orang sakit. Aku redha dengan pemergian ayahku.

  315. Balik dari kolej, aku terus mainkan DVD yang aku baru beli tu. Masa aku tengah layan lagu Gold, mama beritahu aku, “Kamal, anak Datin Senah kirim salam!” Hah? Aku memang terkejut tahap maksimalah! Anak Datin Senah yang playgirl tu kirim salam kat aku? Apa kes?!

  316. Berbalik pada cerita tentang Lionel. Lionel bukan saja hebat kerana diminati ramai perempuan-perempuan, tapi juga hebat dikenali kerana kenakalannya. Pernah aku tergamam melihat dia di keroyok di depan pintu pagar sekolah. Orang yang mengeroyok dia adalah budak-budak kampung tempat aku tinggal. Tapi, sebab apa, aku tak tahu. Adalah yang mereka tak puas hati tu. Namun tak pernah luntur pula aku menyukainya. Sehingga ke Tingkatan 3, aku tegar hanya terus menjadi secret admire dia. Manalah aku berani meluahkan kerana begitu ramai perempuan cantik di sisinya. Tak mahulah nanti aku mendapat hinaan dari dia. Cukup lah meminatinya begitu saja walaupun sampai sering termimpi-mimpi bahagia bersamanya.

  317. bagi nora emaknya tidak memahami istilah percintaan orang muda. bahkan dia dan dafi sendiri telah bersumpah untuk sehidup semati.percintaan lebih hebat dari sebuah cinta seindah shah jehan dan mumtaz. lebih hebat dari romeo dan juliet..

  318. Aku tidak senang melihat wajah mendung ayah. Suasana bising di warung itu tidak sedikit pun mengganggu kami untuk saling meluahkan rasa. Gitar elektrik yang setia bersamaku, aku berikan kepada ayah. Semoga pemberian itu dapat menjernihkan kembali hubungan ibu dan ayah. Semoga kehadiran gitar itu dapat mendorong ayah merealisasikan impiannya. Wajah ayah perlahan-lahan bercahaya seperti matahari yang menyinari segenap isi bumi kala menerima gitar itu. Sebuah senyuman penuh gembira lahir pada wajahnya. Mungkin aku tidak mampu memberikan gitar tua ayah kembali. Mungkin aku tidak mampu menubuhkan pancaragam seperti yang diimpikan oleh ayah, tetapi aku gembira kerana aku mampu melahirkan kegembiraan buat ayah.

  319. Hari kelapan arwah telah meniggalkan aku, tiba-tiba aku di kejutkan dengan kehadiran orang baru. Sedang aku sibuk menyiapkan hidangan untuk kenduri doa selamat di rumah ibunda beliau, kepala aku sakit sangat, muka aku pucat lesi, dan selama seminggu aku tidak menjamah walau sebutir nasi. Penglihatan aku gelap, aku terasa seperti di awangan dan di sambut dengan kehadiran Ewan sedang memeluk aku dengan muka yang sungguh ceria, abangg.. Pabila aku sedar, mama dan adik-adik memeluk aku, aku sememangnya kebinggungan dan bertanya apa telah berlaku. Bersinar-sinar dari pancaran mata mama dapat aku rasakan seperti ada khabar yang amat gembira bakal menerpa ke telinga aku.

  320. Lebih kurang 500 meter ke simpang rumahku, kau sudah memberitahunya. Supaya memberi isyarat masuk kekiri. “Ni rumah awak ye” soalnya. “iyelah.. takkan rumah awak pulak” balasku. “Awak tak pernah sampai sini?” soalku. “Tak”ringkas sekali jawapnya. “Awak tau jalan tak ni, saye takut kalau awak sesat”kataku. “Tak pe saye boleh cari”. Jelasnya. “Eemm.. cam ni saye kasi nombor telefon saye, kalau ade ape-ape awak call saye ok”kataku. Lebih kurang setengah jam berbual dengannya aku pun mengundurkan diri.

  321. Andai saja waktu bisa berputar kembali. Mungkin ia tidak akan pernah mengenal sosok Revo. Laki-laki yang telah membuat kehidupannya hancur lebur bersama keping-keping mimpi yang hanya sebuah kepalsuan cinta. Betapa dulu dia sangat mengagumi sosok Revo sebagai laki-laki sejati yang mampu melindungi dirinya. Tapi semua itu hanya kedok belaka. Reanita sakit hati karena perlakuannya.

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  324. Aku tidak suka malam, tapi bagiku siang dan malam sama saja. Sebuah bentuk absolute yang tidak bisa kulukiskan. Aku tidak pernah melihat matahari, bintang, apalagi pelangi. Kehidupanku suatu bentuk datar tanpa ada warna di celahnya. Yang ada hanya bentuk hitam. Suatu kehidupan yang kelam. Aku tidak bisa melihat. Mataku buta sejak kecelakaan beberapa tahun lalu. Kecelakaan itu merenggut seluruh gairah hidupku. Aku tidak bisa terima dengan kebutaanku. Aku menyalahkan Ryan, kakak laki-lakiku yang telah membuatku buta. Kalau saja dia mendengarkan nasehatku untuk tidak ngebut di jalan, pasti kecelakaan itu tidak akan terjadi. Tapi semua sudah menjadi kehendak Illahi. Mobil yang kami kendarai menabrak truk besar dan aku terperangkap dalam kebutaan sepanjang hidupku.

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