Flash SEO Resources
Flash and SEO don’t entirely go hand in hand since Search Engines are limited to what they can search inside Flash files. But there are still ways to optimize an entire Flash Site so that search engines can still view the content and to tell you the truth its fairly easy. All you need is some knowledge in Actionscript and Javascript. To help you on your way to optimize your flash site the links and tutorials below will help you.
- How to SEO Flash – A fantastic tutorial/Article that that will explain how you can optimize your Flash site. This tutorial shows code that is used on many high trafficked flash sites.
- A Modern Approach to Flash SEO – This tutorial/article is on of my favorites. It explains some great web design concepts along with how to optimize flash for the search engines.
- Making Flash Websites Search Engine Friendly – This Tutorial will take you through all the steps necessary to optimize an entire flash site.
– SWFObject is a small Javascript file used for embedding Adobe Flash content. It also checks to see if you have flash installed and allows you to have an alternative content if you don’t.
– SWFAddress is a utility that allows you to easily add deep linking, back and foward button support to your Flash websites.
If you know of any other Flash SEO tutorials or tools that will help achieve flash SEO please comment below. Its always great to hear from you.
Tags: Flash, seo, SWFAddress, SWFObject
Nice information about flash seo.Really very useful.
Important informations about Flash SEO. This is very useful.
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