Category Archives: Javascript
Collection of Web Based Text Editors
Over the past few years I’ve been using FCKeditor as my internet text editor. I’ve recently been having some problems with FCKeditor because it is just to slow for some users. So I decided to look for a different editor. Now don’t get me wrong FCKeditor is a great text editor with so many features and it works with so many programing languages. But it was getting to the point for me that it just… Read more »
7 Password Strength Scripts
Today password strength is extremely important to keep your data secure. As web developers/designers we need a way to show our users the strength of their password. Below is a list that will allow you to add a Password Strength meter to your website. Password Strength Meter like Google – This script is built with no framework. It works based on a point value that as you use different variations of letters, numbers and symbols… Read more »
List of Ajax form Validators
First off I’d Like to say Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!! Inputing correct data into any web application or website is very important. There is two different ways to validate forms by either Server-side or Client-side. The list below is Client-Side Ajax Form Validator. mooTools Framework fValidator – is built over MooTools v1.1 and it supports Multiple forms per page supported. fValidator is compatible and tested in Internet Explorer, Firefox (and its mozilla friends), Opera and… Read more »
List of Image Cropping Scripts
Updated March 24 After looking for awhile for a script that will crop your image in the browser I decided to put a list together. I found various types of scripts that will accomplish this. The list below is a list of image cropping scripts. cfImageCropper – This script is written in Coldfusion. The Demo of this script works very well and the code is very simple to implement. jsCropper – This javascript image cropping… Read more »