Category Archives: Tools
List of Free Online Password Managers
About a week ago I wrote a list of 7 Password Strength Scripts, which got me thinking about password management. I personally have about 15 passwords that I use on a regular basis and a few others. I usually do fine with remembering my passwords but sometimes I forget. When I forget I usually do the forget your password routine and that takes time. Since I was fed up with forgetting my passwords I decided… Read more »
FCKEditor vs. TinyMCE
Last Saturday Edwin, a reader here at WebTecker commented on the post Collection of Web Based Text Editors, and asked “If you have tinymce vs. fck, what are the most important things to look at when you have to choose between them?” As I began to write a response it got to long for a comment, so I decided to make it a post. Below is what I think is important to make a decision… Read more »
Collection of Web Based Text Editors
Over the past few years I’ve been using FCKeditor as my internet text editor. I’ve recently been having some problems with FCKeditor because it is just to slow for some users. So I decided to look for a different editor. Now don’t get me wrong FCKeditor is a great text editor with so many features and it works with so many programing languages. But it was getting to the point for me that it just… Read more »