Tag Archives: Photoshop
Free Stock Photos at Stock.XCHNG
Stock.XCHNG is an alternative for the expensive stock photography websites. It contains over 250,000 hand picked high quality stock photos by more than 25,000 users! SXC is a friendly community of photography addicts who generously offer their works to the public free of charge. You may even add your own images once you join as a member. I couldn’t tell you how many times this site has saved me from spending thousands of dollars on… Read more »
Photoshop to Create a Favicon ICO
To Create the cool Favicon icons that you see next to a website’s URL in the address bar is fairly easy. You first will need to download the photoshop plugin at Telegraphics and follow the instructions they provide in the downloaded file. The instructions are really simple just copy and paste the plugin file into the photoshop plugin folder. Next you want to create a new file in photoshop 16 x 16 px. You can… Read more »