Tag Archives: Scriptaculous
Great Accordion Scripts
Last Week NetTuts posted a great tutorial about Creating an Accordion Effect using Prototype and Scriptaculous javascript libraries. I thought that this post was very informative yet simple. So I scoured the internet for some great According Scripts that will accomplish this effect using various coding methods. Simple javascript Accordian – The Simple JavaScript accordion script is my favorite. It is very small script at about 1kb and it requires no frameworks. It works in… Read more »
List of Image Cropping Scripts
Updated March 24 After looking for awhile for a script that will crop your image in the browser I decided to put a list together. I found various types of scripts that will accomplish this. The list below is a list of image cropping scripts. cfImageCropper – This script is written in Coldfusion. The Demo of this script works very well and the code is very simple to implement. jsCropper – This javascript image cropping… Read more »
10 Edit In-Place Ajax Scripts
In an Era of Ajax and an increase use of Edit in place, I decided to put together a list of edit in place scripts. I hope this list will help you in your quest to make your web application or website more user friendly. This list is in no particular order. tEditable – In place editing for tables using the jQuery Framework. It works by allowing you to that edit cells in a table… Read more »
Tooltips for the Prototype framework
Prototip allows you to easily create both simple and complex tooltips using the Prototype javascript framework. If you also use Scriptaculous you can even add some nice effects to them. With Prototip you can show images, html, and even style the tooltip with css. There many different variations that you can create with Prototip.